Trends in Earth's Atmospheric Makeup: Pollution of the Air - Chemistry - Climate Connections
Our Team

Arlene Fiore
Peter H. Stone & Paola Malanotte Stone Professor
amfiore @ mit.edu

Brenda Carbone
Administrative Assistant ||
bcarbone @ mit.edu

Madankui Tao
Graduate Student LDEO/Columbia
Urban Air Pollution, Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling, Satellite
taoma528 @ mit.edu

Qindan Zhu
NOAA Climate and Global Change
Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT EAPS
Chemistry-climate interaction, hydroxyl radical, machine learning, climate modeling.
qdzhu @ mit.edu

Xinyuan Yu
Graduate Student, MIT EAPS
Chemistry-climate modeling, tropospheric ozone, detection and attribution.
xyyu @ mit.edu

Steph Elkins
Graduate Student, MIT EAPS
Chemistry-climate interactions, climate modeling.
shelkins @ mit.edu

Carlos Carrillo-Gallegos
Research Support Associate, MIT EAPS
Public health, bayesian methods, pollutant exposure
carloscg @ mit.edu

Lucas Jeongsuk Oh
Graduate Student,
MIT Aero Astro/EAPS
Climate modeling, uncertainty quantification, Chemistry-climate interaction.
jsoh @ mit.edu

Paolo Giani
Postdoctoral Associate, MIT EAPS
Aerosols, Boundary Layer Turbulence, Climate Dynamics, Climate Modeling
pgiani @ mit.edu

Joe Palmo
Graduate Student,
MIT CEE/Heald Group
Tropospheric ozone, chemistry-climate modeling, wildfires.
jpalmo @ mit.edu
Louis Rivoire
Post Doctorate Associate,
lrivoire @ mit.edu

MIT Group Photos


MIT Alumni
Christoph Staehl. Visiting Student from University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Angelica Stewart, MIT 2023 Summer Research Program, Intern.
​​ Amy Shi, Summer/Fall 2023 UROP. Pollution and heat co-occurrences.
Vanessa Sun, MIT Masters Degree, April, 2024.

Angelica Stewart
2023 Intern
MIT Summer Research Program

Summer/Fall 2023 UROP
Pollution and heat co-occurrences.
amys0930 @ mit.edu
Summer/Fall 2023 UROP
Pollution and heat co-occurrences.
amys0930 @ mit.edu

At LDEO/Columbia
Gus Correa (Systems Analyst/Programmer)
George Milly (Research Analyst/Programmer)
Muye Ru (Earth Institute Postdoctoral Researcher, also with Wolfram Schlenker in SIPA, now at Morgan Stanley)
Zhonghua Zheng (Postdoctoral Researcher, also with Daniel Westervelt at University of Manchester, UK)
Colleen Baublitz (Graduate Student, now at US EPA)
Sarah Hancock (Undergraduate Researcher, now at Harvard)
Xiaomeng Jin (Graduate Student, now at UC Berkeley)
Alex Karambelas (2016-2019 Earth Institute Postdoctoral Fellow, now at NESCAUM)
Erik Helstrom (2018-2019 Research Assistant, now at MIT)
Daniel Westervelt (Associate Research Scientist, now Lamont Assistant Research Professor)
Jake Naimark (Undergraduate Researcher, now at Sunwealth Power)
Laurel Quinones (Undergraduate Researcher, now at Columbia Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Harry Singh (Undergraduate Researcher, now at Dartmouth)
Olivia Clifton (Graduate Student, now at NASA GISS)
Jean Guo (Graduate Student, now at Ramboll)
Nora Mascioli (Graduate Student, now at Scripps)
Lee Murray (2014-2016 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, now at Rochester University)
Daniel Halmos (2016 Summer Intern)
Lukas Valin (2013-2015 Postdoctoral Researcher, now at U.S. EPA, RTP, NC)
Melissa Seto (2014 Summer Intern; 2015-16 senior thesis, at Columbia College)
Yuxing Ma (2015-16 CU Masters Research Intern)
Dantu Lu (2015 Fall CU Masters Research Intern)
Mike He (2015 Fall CU MSPH Semester Research Intern, MSPH PhD)
Harald Rieder (2012-2013 Postdoctoral Researcher, now at U Graz, Austria)
Cynthia Zucker (Undergraduate Senior Thesis; 2016 Summer Intern)
Clara Ma (2017 Summer Intern with Dan)
El Pressman (2017 Summer & Fall Intern with Olivia)
LDEO/Columbia Group Photos

From left to right: Gus Correa, George Milly, Alex Karambelas, Colleen Baublitz, Olivia Clifton, Jean Guo, Nora Mascioli, Arlene Fiore, Xiaomeng Jin, Dan Westervelt — May 2017.

From left to right: Gus Correa, George Milly, Xiaomeng Jin, Luke Valin, Nora Mascioli, Lee Murray, Olivia Clifton, Dan Westervelt, Jean Guo, Arlene Fiore — Nov. 2015 on the roof of Oceanography.